New data centre cabling standard ISO/IEC 22237-5
In the past days, a “new ISO/IEC 22237-5 standard for data centre cabling“ made network designers and installers unsure. However, there is nothing to be unsure about as neither this particular standard nor its content are new. Read on to find out more about this standard.
The current issue of ISO/IEC TS 22237-5 “Information technology – Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 5: Telecommunications cabling infrastructure“ was already published in May 2018, which is more than five years ago. Strictly speaking, it isn’t even a standard but “just“ a technical specification.
Also the standard’s content is not new at all, as it is the same as the content of EN 50600-2-4 “ Information technology – Data centre facilities and infrastructures – Part 2-4: Telecommunications cabling infrastructure“ of July 2015. In September 2023 a new issue of of EN 50600-2-4 was published, so the EN standard is the more current one.
Dirk Traeger