Test results with a star: *Pass and *Fail

Sometimes the tester adds a star to the test results. Read on to find out what *Pass and *Fail mean and about their impact on validating a link.
A star next to Pass or Fail indicates that the test results lie within the tester’s accuracy level. The margin of the test result over the value specified by the standard is smaller than the tester’s accuracy. Common notations are Pass*, *Pass or marginal pass and Fail*, *Fail or marginal fail.
EN 50174-1:2018 recommends to accept *Pass results but to reject *Fail test results.
TIA-1152-A recognizes Pass* as Pass and Fail* as Fail.
Various cabling system manufacturers recommend to check and re-work links that achieve a *Pass so that they will achieve a “real“ Pass. Many quality-conscious users and designers demand that as well.
It is recommended that the contracting paries define a quality plan what has to be done when the tester reports *Pass, then it is clear to everyone in the project. Details on quality plans can be found in EN 50174-1:2018.
The next episode will focus on Wire Map.
Dirk Traeger