White paper “Fiber Optic Connection: FTTH, FITB and Beyond“
More and more homes and commercial buildings get a fast internet connection via optical fibers. But how shall the buidings be cabled in order to bring the high data rates to the electronic devices? This white paper shows typical scenarios and proven solutions.
Ever-increasing data rates push telephone cables in the access network to their limit. Highly sophisticated coding makes higher data rates possible, but more and more often, future-proof, high-performance connections are made of glass. From the network provider’s point of view, the network ends at the demarcation point, but the optical fiber has to be brought from there to the fiber outlet. Copper cables are installed from there to the rooms. Depending on the type of building and on the application, networks demand different designs. This white paper introduces the different typical scenarios in the different types of homes and commercial premises and shows proven solutions accordingly.
The white paper can be downloaded from the Telegärtner website at https://www.telegaertner.com/en/whitepaper
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Dirk Traeger