
Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance at the Hanover Fair

fair hannover

Single Pair Ethernet is already considered one of the top topics at the trade show. Hungry start-ups and big players alike will present innovative solutions based on the new Ethernet standard in Hannover. The community for this technology will be all the larger: many companies already belong to the registered association of the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance. (https://singlepairethernet.com/die-allianz/mitglieder/) 

The company's own booth (Hall 9, Booth D28) is designed as an open, cross-company and cross-industry hub. Here, the main focus will be on the common topic close to our hearts: Establishing Single Pair Ethernet as the international standard for all areas where Ethernet connections are being replaced or newly established. The code for free tickets to the Hanover Fair can be requested directly via the website of the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance at the URL https://singlepairethernet.com/ticketshannovermesse/.

With now more than 50 member companies, the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance is a strong association that inspires and supports each other. Accordingly, the booth will be staffed with top-class experts from various industries.

Telegärtner SPE highlight page: https://www.telegaertner.com/produkt-highlights/single-pair-ethernet

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