
New educational partnership with the Weil im Schönbuch community school

We are delighted to announce our official educational partnership with the Weil im Schönbuch Community School! This co-operation aims to promote mutual exchange and provide pupils with valuable insights into various professional fields.


Advantages for the pupils:

  • Practical insights: Pupils are given the opportunity to gain practical experience in different professional fields.
  • Network building: Through contact with our employees and other partner companies, valuable networks can be established for the future.
  • Personal development: Participation in our programmes contributes to the students' personal and social development.
  • Career prospects: We offer support with career orientation and provide insights into possible career paths.

What do we offer?

  • Support with internal school education fairs
  • Company tours and internships
  • Job application training and presentation of our training programmes

Insights into practice: Last week, the official signing of the contract with Florian Gärtner took place. Afterwards, the pupils took part in an exciting tour of our production facilities, during which they passed through the following stations:

  • Coax department: Here the pupils were able to work on the knuckle-joint press themselves and gain their first practical experience.
  • Warehouse: In our pallet warehouse, the pupils were given an insight into the workflows and processes of logistics and learnt about training as a warehouse logistics specialist.
  • Toolmaking: At this station, they saw machines in action and received information about training to become an industrial mechanic.


We look forward to future collaboration and the opportunity to support the next generation on their educational path. This partnership is an important step in opening up valuable career prospects for the pupils and supporting them on their path.


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