
Technical article and editorial on end-to-end connections in PC & industry

End-to-end connection links enable efficient cabling without junction boxes and patch cables. DIN EN 50173-20 specifies three different types of link? The technical article describes the three types and provides specific tips on how to correctly measure the installed routes.

The technical article ‘End-to-end connection links - MPTL, Direct Attach Cabling and E2E Link’ and an editorial on the same topic appeared in issue 7 of PC & Industrie.
The issue is available as a free download on the publisher's website, the editorial can be found on page 3, the article on pages 80 to 82: https://webkiosk.epaper-kiosk.beam-verlag.de/7-2024/68725318 (last accessed on 05.07.2024).
Only in German!

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Dirk Träger

Dirk Traeger

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