Flexible cable solutions
Quality cable solutions by Telegärtner deliver the performance, flexibility and reliability that developers and users need for a long, disruption-free service life. Easy-to-install prefabricated and modular solutions for needs-based installation and simple extensions even during system operation are the crucial advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness and investment protection.
Cabling solutions for buildings and apartments
Streaming videos and music, IP-TV with HDTV, downloads of large data volumes from the Internet, uploads of images and videos to the cloud, home office, telemedicine – modern, high-performance services demand ever higher data rates. Fiber optics offer almost unlimited possibilities which is why residential buildings are increasingly being equipped with fiber optic connections (Fiber-to-the-Home, or FTTH for short). To ensure optimum performance, the optical fiber must also be laid inside the house to the connection point (Fiber-in-the-Home, or FITH for short).
High-quality cabling solutions from Telegärtner offer property developers and users the performance, flexibility and reliability they need for long service life without failures. Easy-to-assemble, pre-assembled, modular solutions for need-based expansion and for simple extensions, even while the system is in operation, offer the decisive plus in terms of cost-effectiveness and investment protection.
See our brochure for more information.

Fiber Termination Box
Custom installation: With the fibre termination box, a modular building distributor, one flat can be connected after another in an apartment building without affecting the connections that are already operational.
OAD/F/S outlet
Prefabricated outlets can be installed in living areas exceptionally quickly: Feed in the cable, screw on the socket, done. No dirt, no noise, no waste. Connection work only has to be carried out on the building distributor.

Fiber to the Antenna
Permanent availability any time, anywhere requires increasingly large data transfer rates. So it’s only logical to connect wireless antenna with fiber optic cables for improved data transmission and lower energy consumption. Multi-fiber solutions make it possible to connect multiple remote radio heads (RRH) to the base station via a single fiber optic cable.
Our custom standard solutions and special solutions:
Perfect solutions are usually customised. That’s why we provide custom standard solutions through our configurators that are available round the clock or application solutions that have been developed to your specifications and tailored to your project. The decision is yours – we can advise you and fulfil your order in no time!