Telegärtner UK certified to AS9120

In order to assure that Telegärtner is in a strong position to support customers in the Aerospace and Defence industries, Telegärtner UK has undergone a thorough audit process and been accredited to AS9120. This combined with Telegärtner Slovakia’s AS9100D certification will enable Telegärtner to offer a wide range of interconnect components and cable assemblies to Telegärtner Group customers in the Aerospace and Defence industries worldwide. Additionally, Telegärtner UK has become a fully registered supplier on the JOSCAR supplier accreditation register, which is a collaborative tool used by the Aerospace, Defense and Security industry for pre-qualification and compliance information.
“Telegärtner UK gaining AS9120 certification demonstrates our commitment to offering existing and potential customers a high level of confidence in our supply chain systems. A globally recognised standard providing access to the Aerospace and Defence sector provides Telegärtner UK with wider scope to offer broader solutions whilst mitigating risk to the customer. Fitting perfectly with Telegärtner Slovakia’s AS9100 certification this enables us to offer a comprehensive Telegärtner Group formula within this market.”, stated David Norrington, Deputy Managing Director of Telegartner UK.
“As a result of real team effort from everyone within the company, it is great to be able to announce that Telegärtner UK has achieved AS9120 certification, which hopefully reflects on what will be a positive 2021. Alongside being certified for AS9120 Telegärtner UK also completed ISO9001 recertification and as a company and department it is great to start the new year this way.“, said Alex Mills, Telegärtner UK Quality Engineer.
Alongside the supply of interconnect components for Aerospace and Defence requirements, Telegärtner can offer a wide range of cable assemblies manufactured according to AS9100D requirements. Assembly capabilities cover
coax, multiwire, data and panel assemblies, wiring looms and overmoulded assemblies, each manufactured in accordance with customer specifications. In order to serve also non-Aerospace and Defence customers, Telegärtner Slovakia will also be running their ISO 9001 Quality Management system alongside AS9100, which will allow Telegärtner Group to continue offering the competitive rates for customers in all industry sectors while also being able to offer manufacturing that meets AS9100D standards. With rapid prototype and pre-production service paired with highly skilled production staff who work to IPC620C standard, Telegärtner Slovakia is able to offer high quality solutions and assist customers with all cable requirements.